From Professional Vision to Fostering Critical L2 Classroom Discourse Competence
Analysing and Reflecting on Discourse Practices in Inclusive English Language Teaching
inclusion, English language teaching, classroom discourse, professional vision, conversation analysisAbstract
This article argues that a crucial aspect of teaching in inclusive (in fact: in all!) English language classrooms is not only using learner-oriented teaching methods, but also interacting in a learner-oriented, empowering way. It therefore proposes that pre-service English language teachers develop Critical L2 Classroom Discourse Competence as part of their university education and suggests that this competence can be fostered by enhancing the pre-service teacher’s professional vision. As a means to do so, the article presents material that has been implemented in an advanced class for future English teachers at Bielefeld University. The material invites the students to engage in the micro-analysis of a video-sequence that was recorded in an inclusive English classroom (year 5). Insights into student products generated in the seminar as well as course evaluations suggest that the students’ professional vision as well as a sensitivity to classroom discourse in inclusive contexts may be promoted by the suggested material.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Peter Schildhauer

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